About Us

Who Are We?

Canberra PCYC are a non-profit organisation supporting our community since 1957. Our Erindale fitness centre offers a suite of exciting and fun programs beginning with our Tots Tumbling, Boxing, Wrestling, Parkour, Rockwall, Dance, Gym Fitness and a range of Martial Arts programs and much more!

We are committed to ensuring that young people and their families build positive futures. Our evidence-based programs utilise hands-on, high adrenaline activities, education and vocational skills, and social skills training to divert young people from the justice system.

Our programs are co-designed with young people and their families to ensure that targeted outcomes meet the needs of individuals.

OUR MISSION: Building Positive Futures

Canberra PCYC is committed to seeing lives changed. Whatever journey people may have been on, it is our mission to empower people to create pathways to a better future for themselves.

OUR VALUES: Engage, Belong, Respect

Our values encompass what we believe to be critical in bringing about lasting change for individuals and for community edification. We engage people in a range of services in an inclusive manner, led by our vibrant and passionate staff. We teach self-respect and respect for others, which are the cornerstones for achieving fulfillment.

We create a place of belonging and safety for people, not just at PCYC, but as we link people into broader community support networks, which provides a platform for people to build meaningful and supportive relationships.


Our Story

Founded in 1957, the Canberra Police Community Youth Club Inc. (Canberra PCYC) was established by ACT Police Sergeant Harry Luton, and a committee of dedicated police officers and citizens who wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of young people in the ACT.

Following incorporation, the Canberra PCYC provided a platform for ACT Police and the Australian Federal Police to engage with young people and the community. While community engagement originally focused on sports activities and social events, our services have now evolved into an holistic approach to social edification.

Today, the Canberra PCYC provides leading and innovative services for young people and their families across the ACT.

The Canberra PCYC have an enthusiastic case management team who are dedicated to client driven outcomes. Our case management framework encompasses a flexible, creative, strengths-based approach to supporting individuals and families in need.

The Canberra PCYC run recreational-based early intervention, crime prevention and reduction, and youth crime diversion programs for vulnerable young people. These are targeted programs for young people who are exhibiting anti-social behaviour, disengagement from school, or are engaging in low-grade petty crime.

Personal development outcomes for participants include improved resilience, leadership skills, teamwork skills, a sense of belonging, fostering better social skills, a sense of identity, skills to manage emotions, practical skills, understanding of healthy choice making, goal setting skills, and building positive self image.

Our sport and recreation programs and activities form a part of our community engagement strategy. These programs and activities are a low cost, high quality service run out of our Erindale Centre. Our wide range of sporting and recreational options cater to the diverse local community and provide our members with an inclusive environment, sense of belonging and an increase in health and mental well-being.

Canberra PCYC continues to work closely with police and takes pride in the police history of the organisation.

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Our Patron

The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia is His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd).

David Hurley joined the Australian Army in January 1972, graduating from the Royal Military College, Duntroon into the Royal Australian Infantry Corps. In a long and distinguished 42-year military career, his service culminated with his appointment as Chief of the Defence Force

Our Committee

Canberra PCYC is governed by our skilled Committee that operate in accordance with our Constitution. Committee members are responsible for setting the strategic direction for the organisation, ensuring effective and appropriate governance and overseeing ethical and legal compliance. Our Committee contributes to developing the positive, inclusive culture of Canberra PCYC and champion our work in the wider community.

Committee Members

Cheryl O’Donnell - Chief Executive Officer

Ph: 0432 637 179

Mr Peter Macfarlane - President

Ms. Stella Conroy - Vice President

Ms. Helen Badger - Board Member

ACT Police Commander Linda Champion- AFP Representative

Mr. Dean Chapman - Board Member

Ms. Graciete Ferreira - Board Member